Friday, July 17, 2009

Ann Arbor Street Art Fair

Yesterday, KC and I went for a walk and discovered the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair. It was such a beautiful day and it was fun to walk through the white tents of handmade pottery, paintings, and lemonade stands. KC found a Michigan football t-shirt for $5. I found a COSI that I'd love to go back to sometime this week. Urban Outfitters was having a huge sidewalk sale, but we had to get back to the hospital, so I didn't even browse.

Ki is looking so much better today. It's post-op day four now and he seems half as puffy as he did two days ago. You can see the relief around his eyes and the creases in his fingers and toes.


Toby and Laura said...

What wonderful news! I'm so glad that he continues to show progress! Much love to all 3 of you.

Brian Kelly said...

Wow...what an amazing little boy. We know what it's like to be in your situation.

Our best to you and Malachi!
