Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Muppet Christmas Carol

I realize it's not even Halloween, but this was all I could find to watch other than The Deadliest Catch.  The holidays are coming, and I have no shame in scoping out Christmas gifts at Costco already.  I also bought Halloween candy on that same trip, and am more than equally excited about Thanksgiving this year because my mom and dad are staying with us.  I've had my pilgrims out since the end of September, and pumpkins on the doorstep that already have traces of gnawing squirrels.  My Christmas wreath (that also happens to be appropriate for fall) has been hanging proudly on our front door since September too.  The holiday baking is in full effect, and might be narrowing my closet options a bit earlier than I had hoped.

I do still roll down my windows when driving and refuse to wear socks unless I risk losing toes (I nearly did this once in Beijing, much to my husband and parents chagrin).  I've tried to buy dressier boots that I can wear in the snow and in the office two winters in a row, but haven't found the perfect (and affordable) pair.  So, I wear my furry faux Uggs (typically with socks) then shed the socks and swap into heels or flats when I get to the office.  I nearly lost a shoe this way once.

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